Monday, December 30, 2013

Jennifer Lawrence Goes Against Airbrushed Models And Judging ...

Aside from being a Hollywood meteor (The Hunger games, The silver lining and actually every other movie of 2013) Jennifer Lawrence has quite a strong feeling about the beauty industry which she is a part of.

Jennifer Lawrence Goes Against Airbrushed Models

In a recent Q&A session with Yahoo, Jennifer was asked to give advice to young girls about people judging other people based on appearance.

Aside from giving a heartedly advice about not starving to make other people happy, she also expresses her disappointment from the media for fueling unrealistic expectations from women, and goes against "airbrushed" models.

Jennifer herself has also admitted that she is shopped in her ad campaigns and that her real self looks nothing like the ads. (We disagree).

We hope that this statement from Jennifer Lawrence along with more agencies using "real life models" will eventually turn the tide with the way models are being used in ads.


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