Staying motivated at the gym is no easy feat. A friend of mine used to pretend she was actually in The Hunger Games when she was out on a run. I fantasize about yelling at people I hate. Before you judge, remember that we all have our own weird workout fantasies that keep us at the gym longer, thus helping us get back into our once painfully snug skinny jeans. With that being said, Gabrielle Union has the most fantastic workout inspiration of them all — porn stars.
Union was on Conan last night and somehow ended up discussing her “porn diet”. Union’s gym is apparently chock- full of adult film stars with banging bods (sorry, I had too!) She admits to secretly competing with them by refusing to leave the StairMaster before they do. She also takes her motivation to the next-level by following these poor women to the juice bar to see what they order. (Can someone PLEASE get me the name of this gym?) Union finds it quite interesting that these adult film stars aren’t eating meat. Think about it.
Porn stars don’t have the luxury of hiding their cellulite or sucking their stomach in at work, so their workouts have to be fierce. If I were Andy Cohen or Ryan Seacrest, I would immediately create a reality series that allows Union to train with a new adult film actress each week (just sayin’).
So, will you picture Jenna Jameson next time you’re at the gym? Watch the clip and decide for yourself:
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